Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Hello Sunshine!

So how about that sunshine today??? That alone is enough to make it a decent day.

So I get a gold star for yesterday's efforts. I managed to squeeze in 2.5 hours of working out in (one hour interval step 6AM, just under 4 miles at noon, and an hour recumbent bike last night. On top of that, I managed to eat healthy and in the process made my husband a good dinner at home....maybe I deserve two gold stars as that cooking-good-meals-at-home thing is somewhat uncommon I must admit. What can I say though, I am trying!

Today I have managed to get in 7.5 miles running and 5 miles on the stationary bike, but my body is just feeling wore out now. I think I am going to call it a day on the workout front and perhaps do the happy hour thing with some co-workers. Something about sunshine always seems to make a cold beer sound really good!

So I keep trying to put a table of 2006 races up, but I must be slow or something because I just can't figure this darn thing out.....However, I did manage to get a picture and some links up there. Baby steps...someday I will get there!

1 comment:

Trisaratops said...

Hey! Stop working out and making gourmet meals--you're making us all look bad! :) hee hee Busy busy! You have earned your beer.

RU goin' on Friday? Let me know!

Hey, email me and I can send you the table code if ya want! :)