Saturday, September 09, 2006

Good Luck IM Moo athletes

First off, I want to wish the very best of luck to the folks heading out to Madison. Some of the Cleveland area peeps heading out there that I will be watching include-
Sara Ziemnik 2198
Alan Wong 477
Trina Potts 2370
Rob Reddy 1270
Kar-Ming Lo 678
Jim Jacko 2039
Cassie Schumacher 2345
John Willse 1020

The perserverance and dedication I have seen from these individuals is inspiring and I hope eveyone is able to enjoy themselves out there!

For me, I am heading off to the Great Lakes Escpe up in Marblehead this afternoon with the hubby and Jodi. I am looking forward to getting away for a night and the whole experience, yet in all honesty I am really not expceting much out of this race in terms of how I will finish. My swimming training has been few and far between and I am still limping while I walk so I am not sure how great running is going to go tomorrow! Oh well, I imagine I will still enjoy myself, especially considering the Cleve Tri Club support that will be out there. The support and encouragement of this group has really made this season for me!

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