Monday, April 02, 2007

A First for me!

To start, hats off to JT on her first half ironman. What a fantastic performance!!! It was totally not a surprise given all of your dedication that you really rocked out there in Cali!

The 5K this weekend was called Jog into Spring, and the night before the race I sat making up my Itunes playlist for the race. I burned a copy of it out for my car and one for my cousin who will be running Chicago marathon. I called it Sprint into Spring as it was packed with fast, up-tempo tunes which were sure to get your feet moving!

Saturday, I left bright and early to head out for the race after a restless nights sleep. I think I have started to overthink races these days and get excited yet very nervous the night before and then I have trouble sleeping. This makes sense to me as it is really the only time I have ANY trouble sleeping!

I arrived early to pick up my stuff. It was a cloudy cool morning that should be great for a race. After seeing some familiar faces, my ladies, Mel & B and I headed off for a 10 minute warmup before the start. With the gun, I was off to run my own race. Sometimes I think I get caught up in trying to pace with others and I had decided the night before I was not going to get caught up in that. We headed out down the road, hung a right by the the track which had a slight incline and I could already feel my chest and lungs tightening up as I went up. I kept moving my feet to the beat and kept making turns and approached Mile One-6:22. Another turn, another incline and I felt like I was working hard. To my surprise, I was thinking that I had not seen any females in front of me so I kept thinking that I was going to have to keep pushing to stay in front. Mile two 6:38. "Gosh, I am really sucking air it seems. Is it cold, am I sick, or is it just think pace that is hurting me?" A guy passes me, but unfortunately he does not seem to be going any faster than me. I was bothered as he seemed to always run where I wanted to run. Every corner he would cut in where I wanted to go and for some reason it felt like it was messing up my rhythm. I could not get around him so I just fell in behind him because I did not want to burn out before the end. I did not get the Mile 3 time as I had enough of the guy in front and decided it was time to sprint it in. Final time 20:29 (6:35 pace). Another PR!! The best thing about it was this course had 4 small inclines and lots of turns, so it was not even one of the courses that I would call fast....not that it was really hilly or slow, but just not super fast.

I was not sure if I was correct but I was thinking, "Holy cow, was I actually the first female?" The awards confirmed it and I took home my FIRST first place overall female plaque ever. Woohoo, that doesn't happen everyday so I will enjoy it! I finished 1/127 females and 25/287 overall.

On to Sunday...another long run with the running pals. 18 miles came and went. I thought we were in for a really rainy morning but it ended up being a pretty nice morning for running. It was actually fairly warm and at some points the rain even felt refreshing as I had worked up a decent sweat. We were pretty consistently hitting the mile markers at 8:30 - 8:45 pace and I felt good the whole way. Between being in better shape and the tremendous company I have had this year, I have come to really enjoy and look forward to my long runs in a way that I did not know was possible before.

Saturday night, my sweetie of a cousin was in town from Chicago and we had a family get together. My cousin has recently started running on a regular basis and is looking forward to her first marathon in October-Chicago. Guess what cousin can't wait to go out there and run Chicago too??? Needless to say, the icing on the cake of a good running weekend, is getting to talk running to an excited running family member!!!


B Bop said...

I seem to recall that a while back you said that if "I plan to break 21 min. that I would smoke you."

obviously that is not so....nice job!!! congrats on the top female!

Jodi said...


That's amazing, Janet! No one deserves that more than you. You are in such solid shape right now. I see a BQ with ease in your future. Great job!!!



Kim said...

GRRR my first comment was deleted! SOOO SOOO proud of you with your PR and 1st place win! :) you're the bomb girl! how do you drink and run so fast???

Trisaratops said...


:) All kidding aside--your progress is so inspiring! I hope I can bounce back and be able to at least keep you in my sight...for a few feet...when I can start running again. ha ha :)

GREAT JOB! Boston, here you come!!!!

JenC said...

Fabulous job! You are burning up the courses out there!

TriShannon said...

You are crazy fast... a PR and first female... CONGRATS!!!

Good thing I got to train with you back in the slow days... now, well there is no way I could keep up. :)

Anonymous said...

wow. i can't believe you've done so much in a year. congrats.

Afternoon Tea With Oranges said...

OMG - Girl, with splits like that you should have known you were the 1st place female. You are just plain fast. How awesome to get 1st overall female! Congrats!

Kate said...

Woohoo! Another PB! You are killing that 5k.

Congrats on being 1st female- even better when you do it with a PB.

Anonymous said...

WOO HOO! It was an awesome weekend for so many folks. Your first 1st overall is an awesome accomplishment that you should gloat over for at least a year!

E-Speed said...

Nice race! I still haven't claimed a first in any road race. 2nds nice, but 1st sounds even better! You definitely have earned it! Your training has rocked!