Saturday, April 01, 2006

New pedal update...

Well this morning I decided was a good time to try out the new pedals and shoes. So I practiced clipping in and unclipping a couple times in the doorway and then outside for a reality check.

Mistake 1-Not trying to clip in while in the house not holding something as if I was actuallt about to go.

Mistake 2-Attempting this for the first time at the start of a hill.

Mistake 3-Making sure no one was around for my first try.

Yup, one foot in and before the other one could clip in to go, I need to be pedaling hard up the hill especially at the angle I had started on. I started leaning to the clipped in side and I was down before I started. Thunk!

Let me just brush off this dirt, hopefully no one saw this...crap, there's the neighbor and he probably already thinks I look silly with this helmet on.

Try 2-Let's reposition and start with no incline. And I was off. It was a short ride this morning about 11 miles up the buggy lane. It was crazy windy and I just could not seem to get comfortable down in the aerobar position with all the wind.

The road had a lot of cracks in it, it seemed. I was a bit concerned that they may be potentially bad for the bike. Any thoughts of how to know???? Clearly I tried to avoid them, but they were more like cracks in the road from water every 20 yards or so for a couple mile stretch--really annoying!

All in all, and OK ride. It was not quite the gorgeous run I had with the sunrise yesterday!

Anyway I must fly...Cincinnati bound!!!!!!

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