Well time to catch up I suppose...so much has happened!
The weekend was awesome. Friday was a great time getting to meet a bunch of new people with the Cleveland Tri Club including my old roomie Sara and new running pal, Elizabeth.
Saturday night was my dad's birthday celebration. Of course I had to give my dad a birthday spanking on the ping poing table that night after we ate dinner! So after a bunch of pondering the gift idea I did the smart thing and called my mom. Luckily mom thought the old man could use a new stereo for his office which I thought was just a brilliant idea. So I went and found him a decent stereo which mom & sis kicked in on and now old dad has something decent to listen to this tax season!
I suppose I should also mention Sunday's news...sitting on the couch Sunday evening and hear loud noise which at first we thought was the dryer which was off balance but it seemed to loud to be that. Joey stands up and checks the chimney and tells me we have a chimney fire. "Oh shit", I think ..."What do we do now?" So we called the fire department and Matches and I headed outside. Well then we end up the excitement of the neighborhood. Parkman fire came with 3 or four trucks. Troy fire department came, cops, Joey's dad, our Amish neighbors...Center street was a happening place and lit up with like a Christmas tree. Thankfully it was all somewhat of a non-event. There were some sparks coming out of the chimney but after Joey shut all the flues, I think the fire was out before anyone showed up. Luckily the house did not get smoky, it just had somewhat of a hot smell which went away quickly. So the fire department checked everything out and ran a snake up the chimney but whatever had blocked it and caught fire, must have burned off because it was relatively clear....so to make a long story short, Joey and his dad cleaned both our chimneys yesterday and we are good to go.
Sunday did 13 trail miles with 2 killer hills at North Chagrin with Bob & Laura (darn, they know how to wear me right out). (Recovery) Monday AM 5 miles Sationary Bike, UBWO. Tuesday so far...6AM 1 hr interval class. After 2 days of some icing of left hip flexor, groin, knee...not feeling too bad. (WTD-13 Miles Running, 5 Miles Bike, 1 UBWO, 1 hr aerobics class -combined time WTD 4hrs.
Workout talleys for last week 2/19-2/25-26 Miles Ran, 33 Miles on Stationary Bike, one UBWO, 20 min swim (pathetic huh?) and 3.25 hrs interval classes. Total time WTD, 11 hrs. -----------------------------------