So I just can't seem to find time to blog lately. I often will steal a couple minutes to quickly read my blogger peeps latest, but have rarely found time to comment!
Even now, I really am quite buried with work but will try to make this fast. So time for some updates.
-Had a kick-arse time at our annual Halloween party. I need to get some pictures up but I looked less than cute as my hubby and I dressed up as Drew Carey and Mimi, and yes I was Mimi. It is hard to play ping pong well if you are big I think!
-The Battle of Ohio Duathlon Series. Well finally they announced the results and to be honest there was not a ton of participants to put it mildly, but I ended up winning Overall Female in the Olympic Duathlon Series. Yeah, that means I get some money which will probably go towards a New Vision Cycling package and some new shoes.
-I ran the autumn leaves race on Sunday. I was a bit tired from the runnning I had been putting in over the prior days, but my friend Bob had conned me into coming out to this race. What a tough, yet very different race. It was all ran on this farm out in Kirtland through a couple barns, a ton of hilly cow pasture and different roads and trails. It was unbelievably difficult to get into a rhythm in the grassy, uneven pasture and the hills kept coming.
Mile 1 6:58
Mile 2 7:30--cow pasture slowing things down
Mile 3 8:23--why does this entire mile seem up hill in crappy footing?
Mile 4 8:06
Mile 5 7:14
Total time 38:11 It was not the fastest 5 miler, but it was fun! I took 4th overall female and 1st in my age group. I knew going in I did not have a shot at top 3 as Salty and two other Team GR chicks were out there, who are just plain faster than me. It was great to see so many friends out there cheering and running. It was a tough course, but definitely unique and a nice one to wind down the year!
I am trying to log more miles and still trying to do some different things to avoid boredom. I am starting to ramp up for hopes of my first 50K in January.
I want to try to track workouts better than I have been.
Monday 10/29 --6 mile bicycle ride with hubby ---His first road bike ride ever. I think his seat area is not looking forward to attempting a second. :-(
Tuesday 10/30 - 6 miles ran, 30 min trainer ride
Wednesday 10/31 - 7 miles ran (hilly and windy!)
Thursday 11/1 - 10 miles ran, 1 hour hard bodies class
Friday 11/2 - 5 miles ran (one minute ascending intervals), yoga class (1st ever, jury still out on what I think, but my poor piliformis could use anything helpful)
Saturday 11/3 - 15 miles on Buckeye Trail (ate serious dirt as I tripped over a root, just a bruised knee. My first fall on the trail, guess I am in the club now!)
Sunday 11/4 - 6 miles ran (1 mile w/u, 5 mile autumn leaves race), 1.5 hour spinerval trainer ride with JT
Weekly Mileage (10/29-11/4) --49 miles
Monday 11/5 - 2.5 miles ran, 30 min stationary bike, kick boxing class (1st time--thumbs up in my book!)